viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

post 8: my friend

I am not a sort of sociable person of make friends easily, but I´m considered a good friend of my friends. I like see my friends regularly or I have contact always with they.

My best friend is called Cecilia Jorquera. She have twenty five years ols. I knew to Cecilia in the school "San José" in the 2001 year.

I arrived to this school to middle of year because I to changed of school for personal motivate, and just arrived to his course.

I meet her 11 years ago in the school. We went very good friends during the school and still we are.

When I met her I knew that she was a special and very nice person. The moments living whit she are very much, but the more important was when I feeling very bad and she don´t said nothing and only to hug me. tender, intelligent, understanding; and in general a very good friend. She is always there when I need her. I admired all his strength and weaknesses.

I like that she is always with me and when I have been sad she always is funny with me. I like share with she the similar musical tastes, friends in common, entertainment in common and views on various topics social and familiars.

Her way to see the life it is what moust like about her, always happy and optimist.

If I could give her something it would be tranquility and all my support forever, because always we say that it is the only thing that we lack, to part od money... jajaja!

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


In my future, I would like to work as teacher for children.

I would like to have this job because I like working with the children.

I prefer to work in a college, because the children are very small in a garden. The garden is complicated for my, because the educators don´t work only in administrative matters.

I would like to work with children between 4 and 8 years old.

Also, I want to work in a school for children with social problems and economic problems, because they need much support. This is complicated, because the municipal schools are more authoritarian and I don´t want to be in a authoritarian and uncomfortable environment.

The most important thing would be to work in touch with the people, and with your childrens. And to be able to teach, to play, to sing, to create with them.

I love many áreas (psychology, the arts, philosophy and history), then I can complement them in my work.
I want to work in a liberal college, because I can use different methodologies and different areas in education.

I would be a good teacher for children, for that, I need to be in a liberal college.

My ideal job would be in a municipal and liberal college, and with a decent salary.

My ideal job would be to work of independent form, with my own goals and schedules.

This one is my ideal work. Would it be fantastic! Or not? What does seem to them?